Revenge Is Best Served Subliminally

2 min readOct 13, 2021

I wish you could see me now. Not because I want you to see how much better I am without you (and I am) — but I want you to know deep in your soul just how mistaken you were about me.

I am not a failure. I am not so ugly and undesirable. Okay, maybe the last part of the second statement is true only because I refuse to lower my standards ever again. However, but you were incredibly wrong about me on so many things.

I could show you how I’m doing. I could unblock you everywhere, make it easy for you to find me, and just ignore you when you do reach out (admit it, you would).

However, the best form of revenge isn’t for you to see how well I’m doing without you and confess, “oh I messed up.”

No, the best type of revenge is for you to wonder if I’m still alive and be unable to find out— meaning that I’ve completely vanished from your life without a trace that not even a Google search would yield results.

It would, but every link you would click on is dead. Because I died inside after what you’ve done to me.

You don’t even get the privilege of seeing me truly happy; not the fake happy I was pretending to be when we were together.




Working through the darkness by stringing words together.